About Katharine Forrer
“ I am passionate about sharing the knowledge that I have gained using Gentle Myofascial Release over the past 25 years.”
A picture of Kath treating a patient
I had my first encounter with gentle myofascial therapy when I was around 20. I must admit to being somewhat cynical. I fully expected it to have no impact at all – after all, the practitioner was barely doing anything – or that’s what I thought. To my shock and delight, my back pain was resolved almost instantly. At the time, I was studying to become a Drama and English teacher; human movement and wellness were also great interests of mine. I completed my degree – all the time thinking that when the time was right, I would put time into learning more about hands on therapies.
I studied at the Southern School of Natural Therapies in the early 90s, finally pursuing my interest in Anatomy and Physiology, Therapeutic Massage, Shiatsu, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and qualified as a Soft Tissue Therapist after studying several versions of Soft Tissue Therapy at different schools. In 2000 I went on to combine both my passion for teaching and bodywork by lecturing at Swinburne University and then the Southern School of Natural Therapies; developing curriculum for a variety of applications and in line with Cert. IV competencies.
In my practice, I had many satisfying experiences with mothers and babies and found that the “gentle myofascial” approach was essential to helping these women through some very distressing times. The first mother I assisted with mastitis (21 years ago now!) was delighted to find she could use the gentle moves I taught her to prevent the mastitis from returning – she was so relieved and empowered by the experience that she asked me if these techniques were being taught to midwives. It got me thinking…
I have seen wonderful outcomes for a wide range of conditions – from issues associated with birthing, motherhood and babies, to children with anxiety, cerebral palsy and autism, the delicate elderly (frail aged) and those in palliative care – along with post operative trauma; the list is endless. I am passionate about sharing the knowledge that I have gained using Gentle Myofascial Release over the past 25 years. It is my hope that as a result, many people will receive the extra help they need – on a daily basis and as part of an integrated approach to health and wellbeing.
Naturally, this therapy does not replace medical advice or consultation; rather it is a supportive and complementary skill set akin to “acupressure”, “tens machines”, “aromatherapy” and other commonly used methods designed to bring comfort and relaxation when it is needed most.